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Good Hustle vs. Bad Hustle

In this entrepreneurial age in which we live, where we hear so much about the "grind" and the "hustle", we also tend to hear a lot of what it means to hustle, as defined by various sources. It isn't unusual for me to come across quotes like, "if you're up-to-date with all your favorite TV shows, then you aren't hustling hard enough..." or some similar-sounding quip, and think to myself, "Oh really?"

Because, well, I think I grind pretty hard; I think my hustle game is up to scratch...but guess what? I'm up-to-date with *most* of my favourite TV shows, AND I average 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night. I guess the "hardcore hustlers"would scoff at me, but the truth is that I am able to enjoy those aspects of my life because being organized and making sure that I use my time efficiently are at the core of everything that I do. So, as a part of my organizational skills, I DVR my favourite shows during the week, then binge watch them on Sundays, which is a day on which I refuse to do any work, as much as it can be helped. My 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night? I can't function on any less than that, so I go hard during the day after waking in the morning from a restful night's sleep, being as productive and efficient as I can be, so that there is no guilt when I put my head on my pillow at night. Really, what's the point of staying up all and day and all night, just to feel like I am doing something when all I'm really doing is being non-productive and fooling myself in the process?

Granted, there are some night owls out there who work better late at night, their brains seem to function better, etc...that's all well and good; by all means do what works best for you. But don't be the type to limit yourself to 4 hours per night, surviving off caffeine and sugar rushes, snapping at every single soul and muddling through mental blocks, simply because you read a meme on Instagram that said that you're not a real hustler, or you can't be a successful entrepreneur if you aren't burning the candle from both ends.

Then I saw this image on a social media feed recently:

broken image

...and I got ecstatic, because I felt like FINALLY someone understands, someone gets it, and they're sharing it with the world! Take a minute to look at the image...what areas under the "good hustle" column are you struggling with, or need to improve upon? And, what areas under the "bad hustle" column are you guilty of? What improvements can you make, without sacrificing success? The answers may surprise you!

Lesley Reece is an entrepreneur, content creator, writer and MD. She averaged 7 hours of sleep last night and looks forward to this week's episode of The Catch. She is a firm believer that one size does not fit all in any aspect of life, and that you should therefore always seek the formula that works best for YOU.